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Ryan Lochte Ambushed on Dancing With the Stars Premiere : theatlantic

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Ryan Lochte Ambushed on Dancing With the Stars Premiere

Ryan Lochte Ambushed on Dancing With the Stars Premiere
Ryan Lochte Ambushed on Dancing With the Stars Premiere
The show's host, Tom Bergeron, calls for a cut to commercial break.
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besides usatoday

Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte suspended for 10 months and World Championships

Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte suspended for 10 months and World Championships
Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte suspended for 10 months and World Championships
Skip Ad Ad Loading... x Embed x Share The suspension stems from robbery claims that Ryan Lochte and three other U.S. swimmers made while in Rio for the summer Olympics.
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furthermore crcconnection

U.S. swimmer Ryan Lochte barred from competing for 10 months

U.S. swimmer Ryan Lochte barred from competing for 10 months
U.S. swimmer Ryan Lochte barred from competing for 10 months
In addition to the ban, Lochte is also losing $100,000 in bonuses.
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Ryan Lochte Ambushed on Dancing With the Stars Premiere : theatlantic Ryan Lochte Ambushed on Dancing With the Stars Premiere : theatlantic Reviewed by Baseball Players on 10:57:00 PM Rating: 5

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