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David Cameron quits House of Commons shocking Westminster : dailymail

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David Cameron quits House of Commons shocking Westminster

David Cameron quits House of Commons shocking Westminster
David Cameron quits House of Commons shocking Westminster
David Cameron's spectacular fall was complete last night when he quit as an MP rather than clash with Theresa May over grammar schools.
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moreover from newstatesman

David Cameron quits his job as an MP

David Cameron quits his job as an MP
David Cameron quits his job as an MP
David Cameron is standing down as MP for Witney with immediate effect, despite previously pledging to stay on until 2020.
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additionally smh

David Cameron quits parliament despite promising to serve full term

David Cameron quits parliament despite promising to serve full term
David Cameron quits parliament despite promising to serve full term
Every Monday to Friday I'll be delivering a personally-curated newsletter.
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David Cameron quits House of Commons shocking Westminster : dailymail David Cameron quits House of Commons shocking Westminster : dailymail Reviewed by Baseball Players on 5:20:00 PM Rating: 5

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